Our Initiatives

To date, SLN International Group Holdings (Pvt) Ltd Group initiatives include the following.

A total investment of USD 67 Million in setting up of a Board of Investment (BOI) approved Clinker Grinding and manufacturing cement factory at Ekala, in the Gampaha District in partnership with a leading company in the UAE with a Production capacity of seven hundred thousand to one million metric tons.

Setting up a 100% processing cement manufacturing factory in the Mannar District with a Production capacity of ten million tons at a total investment of USD 01 Billion to meet 100% of the demand for the Sri Lankan domestic and Export markets. International Group Holdings (Pvt) Ltd has purchased a 10000-acre land inclusive of a Lime Stone vein in Mannar for this purpose, the land will also be utilized to set up a Solar and Wind power farm with an investment of USD 3 Billion, generating an estimated energy output of 3000 Mega Watts, while also being utilized for a 100% export oriented, eco-friendly organic, hydroponic greenhouse project at an investment USD 1 Billion as well.

Setting up of a modern technical college in the country’s Northern Province with the aim of training youth of the Northern Province and provide such trained and qualified personnel to address recruiting needs of the Canadian job market. Operating under a joint MOU with the British Technological Campus Pvt Ltd, this joint venture is part of the Technical and Vocational Education and Training Reform Project (TVET) funded by SLN International Group Holdings (Pvt) Ltd.


The joint venture proposes programs that provide sector-specific job training, internships, employment placement, and retention support which will adapt to an ever-changing labour market, focusing on career sectors that reflect the broadest range of employment options such as: Advanced Hospitality / Culinary arts Training, Community Healthcare (Aged Care), Early Childhood Development, and short courses such as Plumbing and Electrical works. All of which are aimed Jaffna residents from at-risk communities who face barriers to achieving their goals.     

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