Chairman’s Message


Chairman’s Message

“It is my sincerest pleasure that I introduce to you SLN Holdings Group (Pvt) Ltd. Conceived on the notion of epitomising the true entrepreneurial spirit, SLN Holdings has set itself out on a trajectory of consistent positive growth, and it is my privilege to be at the helm of this grandiose venture.

With our roots firmly grounded in a foundation of solid business ethics, our team has from day one been driven to grow and is committed to always embracing diversification and expansion with the utmost positivity, which no doubt will lead to the company solidifying its name as one of  the nation’s elite nation building, multi-faceted holding and investment companies with a myriad of successful investments through a diverse and unique bouquet of corporate ventures.

The drive and passion that existed at the company’s birth is a flame that will burn group wide. In fact, I believe it burns brighter and stronger with each new venture the company embarks upon. SLN Holdings has always been and will continue to be committed to ensuring quality and exclusivity, as well as a firm focus on nation building in every venture and project undertaken. 


Mr. Siva Sivaganam


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