About Us

About Us


Born of ingenuity, innovation, and a thirst for collaboration, SLN International Group Holdings (Pvt) Ltd was incorporated with the aim of epitomising the true spirit of entrepreneurship and to be a multi-faceted corporate entity with an extended reach into several of the country’s nation building core business areas.

The diversity of the company’s business interests is a testament to its commitment to achieving entrepreneurial excellence. The carefully curated portfolio of SLN International Group Holdings (Pvt) Ltd includes such ventures ranging from construction to education, both national and international in scope.

The company’s envisaged business scope also includes such ventures such as shareholding in any capacity both nationally and internationally, property investment, development, and construction, as well as manufacturing, import, and export of various commodities. SLN International Group Holdings (Pvt) Ltd is also equipped with the capacity to enter such industries as hospitality, travel, energy and power, petroleum, mining, and entertainment in an array of capacities including collaboration, consultation, financing, and amalgamation.


Mr. Siva Sivaganam


“It is my sincerest pleasure that I introduce to you SLN Holdings Group (Pvt) Ltd. Conceived on the notion of epitomising the true entrepreneurial spirit, SLN Holdings has set itself out on a trajectory of consistent positive growth, and it is my privilege to be at the helm of this grandiose venture.

With our roots firmly grounded in a foundation of solid business ethics, our team has from day one been driven to grow and is committed to always embracing diversification and expansion with the utmost positivity, which no doubt will lead to the company solidifying its name as one of  the nation’s elite nation building, multi-faceted holding and investment companies with a myriad of successful investments through a diverse and unique bouquet of corporate ventures.

The drive and passion that existed at the company’s birth is a flame that will burn group wide. In fact, I believe it burns brighter and stronger with each new venture the company embarks upon. SLN Holdings has always been and will continue to be committed to ensuring quality and exclusivity, as well as a firm focus on nation building in every venture and project undertaken. 


Mr. Siva Sivaganam



Mr. Lalinda Liyanage


Bringing over 15 Years experience in the cement trade to SLN Holdings Group (Pvt) Ltd proverbial table, Mr. Liyanage is one of the company’s key lynch pins, instrumental in driving the company forward in all its ventures.

He is also former Chairman of The Sri Lanka Cement Corporation and Lanka Cement PLC, as well as former Director of Lafarge Cement PLC, Lanka Cement PLC, and the Ceylon Ceramic Corporation. Further, Mr. Liyanage has used his vast experience and considerable business acumen to launch his own ventures including, Sprint Sperry cleaning and forwarding company Pvt. Ltd. S & S car sales Pvt. Ltd., S & S Tourism Company Pvt. Ltd., S & S Printers Pvt. Ltd., Shanaro International Pvt. Ltd., and Shanaro Metal crusher Pvt. Ltd.

Our Vision

To be one of Sri Lanka’s top multi-national conglomerates, renowned for its investment acumen and dynamic holdings portfolio, and extended reach into several of the country’s nation building core business areas.

Our Mission

To invest and grow each of our ventures to be leaders and forerunners in their individual industries and to ensure not just companywide growth for all stake holders but to also contribute to national growth.    


SLN Holdings Group (Pvt) Ltd. holds the following objectives at its core, and is committed towards achieving each objective in the true entrepreneurial essence and spirit.


To establish, invest, finance, promote, manage, administrate, and participate in any business and management to buy, sell, hold, underwrite, or otherwise, trade-in and deal in shares, debenture, debenture stock, bonds, gold bonds, in any company, organisation or other entity as a holding or subsidiary company or as a shareholder or associate or in any capacity or manner within Sri Lanka or any part of the world.


To invest in any movable or immovable property and trading in the land, house, commercial properties and other immoveable property of any tenure and any interest therein, and to carry on the business as property management, estate agents and land agents, property dealers, and estate managers and to give, take, let and sublet and to carry out undertaking, property development, constructing, altering, improving, building, demolishing and repairing operations and all other works in connection with immovable estates and properties.


To manufacturer, importer, exporter, agents, commission agents, traders, sales organisers, representatives and deal in any commodities, substances, articles, merchandise, goods, and things whether solid or liquid or gaseous, goods articles, materials and also to undertake and carry on all kind of farming business of livestock, livestock products, commodities, goods or things, wastes, by-products, residuals of animal origin.


To purchase erect or otherwise acquire, establish and equip and act as collaborators, technicians, financiers to hotels or restaurants and recreation and entertainment centres in the field of the tourism industry and to carry on the business of travel agents and tour operators and providing assistance in booking travel tickets, visa, reservations for accommodation in hotels and generally to do everything that may be requisite to the carrying on the business of travel agents and tour operators and promoting tourism in Sri Lanka.


To carry on the business of manufacturing, generating, distributing, transmitting and dealing in all forms of energy and power generated by any source whether nuclear, steam, hydro or tidal, water, wind, solar, hydrocarbon fuel or any other form and to take on lease, or otherwise purchase, refine and sale of petroleum and petroleum products, mining, mining rights, or any interest therein respectively, and to search for, get, bring to the surface, make merchantable, and sell and dispose of coal, ironstone, and other ores, metals and minerals, and substances of the earth whatsoever.


To enter into agreements and contracts with Sri Lankan or foreign individuals, companies or other organisations for technical, financial or any other assistance for carrying out all or any of the objects of the Company or to amalgamate with any Company or companies having objects altogether or in part similar to those of this Company and to do other things ancillary to the main business that may seem to the company capable of being conveniently carried on in connection with the main objects or calculated directly or indirectly to enhance the value of or render profitable any of the Company’s property or rights of which it may be advisable to undertake with a view to improving, developing, rendering valuable or turning to account any property real, or personal, belonging to the Company or in which the company may be interested and to do all or any of the above things, either as principals, agents, trustees.

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